an idle mind and a fine city...

Friday, July 29, 2005

Home away from home

Went back home 2 weeks ago... as expected it's always not long enough! As expected I can't help but compare it with this fine city.

Traffic - especially when it rained!
PollutionIncrease in public transportation fares
Jolibee has increased prices

Family and Friends are there
Cheap groceries
Cheap fashion wear and accessories
Cheap food
Cheap foot spa, manicure, pedicure, hot oil and haircut!

Things I missed:

Driving - as in driving fast!
Hanging out with my cousins, pigging out and doing stuff together
Having long chitchats with friends in starbucks

Eating bangus, hito and tilapya
Ordering food or buying stuff in my native language
Showbiz news
Listening to local radio stations

Stuff I did:
Celebrated by birthday in China Town
Had lunch with my thesismate and found out that she is getting married - the guy is also my friend
Hang out with 2 good friends in Starbucks
Reunited with family on my grandfather's 1 year death anniversary
Bought cheap export 'overrun' apparels and kikay stuff with 2 shoppaholic friends
Played blowling and badminton with my cousins
Attended a good friend's wedding
Shopping, shopping, shopping!

Friday, July 08, 2005

New Toys

Less than a week ago KT bought himself a Wilson H4 tennis racket and also bought me a Head TiS6. (pics on your left)
Actually, I had no intentions of getting myself a new raquet since I'm going back home in a few days and it could be cheaper there. But while buying his H4 the stringer guy showed us the TiS6 and told us it is comparable to H4 but a little cheaper. Plus KT researched that it is the number 1 best-selling tennis raquet. I thought about it and went to other shops to get some more opinions. In one shop I went to, the owner is busy with some customers so I helped myself and took out the raquet from the display and looked at it. Then I was surprised to hear one guy say to me "That is a good raquet My wife and my lady friends use that." I just smiled. Then another guy second the motion and said, "Yes, that's a good ladies raquet!" With those opinions, I can't help but buy it! =) (Even if that is my yellow girl's tennis raquet brand!)
Then last tuesday, we had the pleasure of playing in the sossy condo of our colleague. The raquet is great! My serve is still weak though but I can control the ball and playing is not as difficult as before. The H4 is of a newer model than the one we rented but it has the same power. It's easier to do a forehand with this racquet because you don't need much effort. Although, it's so powerful that sometimes the ball gets out of the court. KT told me that with my TiS6 he CAN volley, unlike the H4. (Hmmm I don't mind exchanging it with a more expensive one!)
So which is better, honestly, I still don't know! As I've said before, I'm not good at rating these stuff. Im just happy that I can have a good excercise by playing tennis and playing it better.